Finally, a Western! And a Season 1 episode! Let's talk Over a Barrel! (Yeah don't have that big an introduction for this one)
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Just let those eyes burn onto your soul |
The Mane 6 are on their way to Appleloosa to donate and plant a tree from Sweet Apple Arces when the train they're on is ambushed by Buffalo! During the attack, Spike and the tree are captured, with Rainbow Dash kicked off the train. Arriving in Appleloosa, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack find out that the buffalo are threatening the town for growing an orchard, while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are captured by the buffalo, learning that the settler ponies took over their traditional stampeding ground. The Mane 6(/7) are reunited but make the resulting feud between the ponies and buffalo worse, this time with musical accompaniment! As the two prepare for battle, the Mane 6 try to intervene but with no luck. At noon the Buffalo attack and the battle begins,ending with the Buffalo leader tasting the apple pie the ponies made and agreeing to a compromise.
Things I liked:
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"Yeah, I'm awesome! (Note to self: Write into a song)" |
- The Banter
- This episode was great in the talking department. Lots of witty dialogue and (IMO) relatively realistic character interactions. Heck, this is the episode where we got Fluttershy wanting to be a tree!
- The Characters
- Everyone is in character and well represented in this episode. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie are paired up again, as was the case in season 1, which for some reason fell out in the later seasons, but that's neither here nor there. Braeburn was nice and chipper while being a well rounded character, and the Chief and Little Strongheart were compelling as well.
- The Humor
- Sort of a subset to the banter but this episode has some really good jokes such as the anvil scene and the dead silence after Pinkie's song
- The Setting
- I like the Western get up and the change of scenery. This is also the first time we don't see Ponyville for the whole episode and the first appearance of the train that they travel everywhere in. Too bad we don't see the sleeper car after this episode though.
- The Pies
- Okay so your town is under attack and you're defending it with pie? Are the Marx Brothers attacking or are you just giving up? Seriously, only real compliant I have with this is that is makes the whole attack more of a farce
- The Indian-Settler Conflict
- More of a nitpick, but the real world issue of Native American relocation is a tragic one and probably should have been shown a little more respect during the conclusion (ie NO PIES) but otherwise not a bad representation given that this is a children's show
- The Train
- Why are the ponies pulling a train? Isn't the point of a train is that it moves itself? I mean it's called a locomotive for a reason!
Interesting points:
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"Twi, what was in those brownies?" "I don't know AJ, but I'm hearing yellow now" |
- Buffalo-Dragon Relations
- In the episode, it is stated that the Buffalo respect dragons and know a little about them. Given that that ponies know so little, do the Buffalo know how to better interact with the dragons/ do they have more exposure to them?
Overall: Fine
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"Pinkie,where'd you get that get-" *shove apple into mouth* "Shh! No questions" |
Not the greatest episode in the world but a nice little Western style story tucked into Season 1. Heck, it's the second time the Mane 6 go somewhere outside of Ponyville! Just don't expect this one to leave a huge impression. But if you're looking for some nice comedy and characters though, this is a good episode to pick up!
RoyalRick 136p · 544 weeks ago
Dat little nod to Dash's Rainbow Rocks song. (which happens to be my favorite one from the movie!)
And I do agree with ya there, the humor in this episode was some of the best from S1!
Sidral Mundet 129p · 544 weeks ago
SNES Chalmers 142p · 544 weeks ago
Sidral Mundet 129p · 544 weeks ago