Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Random Thought: May the Best Pet Win!

You know what really sucks sometimes? Finding good header images. Usually I'm lucky and they'll be an awesome title card fans made, but oh well.  Anyways May the Best Pet Win! cause exclamation point!

Be very quiet Fluttershy, I think we're surrounded.
Rainbow is awoken by her fellow friends getting together for a pet play date.  See how much fun they are having, Rainbow decides she wants one for herself.  After going though some options with Fluttershy, she holds several contests too thin the ranks, with a persistent tortoise there every step of the way.  Narrowing it down to four, Rainbow has a race though a dangerous canyon where she eventually becomes trapped, only for the tortoise to rescue her and this convinces Rainbow Dash to take the tortoise as a pet and name him Tank.  Also to equip him with a helicopter blade, because magic.

What I liked:
Fluttershy can make anything look cute
  • Rainbow Dash
    • I like RD here. She's bold, proud, and a bit full of herself, but not to any ridiculousness lengths and has some great facial expressions. While Flutters will always be my #1, RD wins in the facial expression department. And that RD has some low moments is great here too, like when she's trapped under a rock.  And when she finally wants to Tank is great too.
  • Fluttershy
    • The only other pony in the episode with a significant role to play and she does it great! I love the duet between her and RD and the way she and RD interact is great! I love FlutterDash on a friendshipping level since they are the oldest friends out of the Mane 6. And the way she gets RD to at least give Tank a chance is so adorable and fun to watch!
  • The Race
    • Nice animation and new location (which has yet to make a reappearance!) along with Flight of the Valkyries.  What's not to love?!
  • The Humor
    • Nice jokes spread all around form dreamscape impossibilities to Twilight not understanding slang. I think my favorite was the one where Twilight holds up binoculars only for Fluttershy and then Applejack to push her out of the way! 
What I didn't like:
Do we even have baseball in Equestria?
  • Dream sequence
    • I'm not a huge fan of "It was all just a dream" moments in media and this is no exception, but it was short and the introduction to the episode so it wasn't too bad
  • All Seeing
    • So in Testing Testing 1,2,3, RD said she was on constant look out whenever she flew and here, she gets distracted and careless while flying. While I prefer Dash being more realistic with her flying as portrayed here, it's the inconsistency that bugs me.
  • The Tests
    • The trails RD put the pets though got a little repetitive, especially with her wording.  I know it was to highlight Tank, but there's a reason there's a Rule of Three.  I was fast paced though and had some good jokes so not a huge thing. 
  • The Duck
    • That phasing duck. Distracts me every time!
Interesting Points:
I think Rainbow Dash has been playing too much Alien: Isolation
  • Kill it with bullets!
    • So bullets and tanks exist in Equestria. So much for a peaceful utopia! 
Overall: Recommended.
Hehe, I'm seeing stars.
A pretty good story that ultimately favors the characters over the plot. This is also Tanks introduction story and now all the Mane 6 have pets now.  This episode also has the first song of Season 2.  Give it a watch to see some good RD racing action and the origins of greenest pet! 

Comments (2)

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That pet monster was surprisingly terrifying.

One thing I never noticed until later was the scene where Fluttershy drags Rainbow away to her cottage just before the song. Laughed a bit too hard when I finally did notice that.
winner pet's avatar

winner pet · 372 weeks ago

here's a few that we live by here

"you toenails won't grow back from running through puddles, so you have to paint the skin to make it look "normal""
"your track coach says "it's only a 400" & then wonders why you come in last"
& Glucose meter

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