"Cider, anypony?"
Well, if it isn't Flim of the Flim-Flam Brothers! I wonder how he got his cutie mark...(random thoughts and speculations below the break)
So, Flim's cutie mark! A slice of an apple...interesting. How would a pony get that as a cutie mark?(Or for that matter, I remember a pony with a cutie mark of an apple core. What does one even DO to get such a silly cutie mark?) Maybe he got it through his con acts, maybe because his customers were only getting a "slice of an apple, not the full"? I mean, the cider produced from the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 probably wasn't as good or, dare I say nutritious and beneficial, as the Apple Family's cider? Did I just make up a new idiom?
I rant and ramble too much, I'm sorry. Maybe I need a Random Thoughts post like Sidral has, to spout out my headcanons and stupid ideas. I'm sorry. Yay Flim, for becoming pony of the day!
Arkan0id 125p · 544 weeks ago